与WIN就业中心和地区企业/行业,班级和 课程的制定是为了给那些想要……的人提供短期培训 enter the workforce or upgrade their skills. 

我们与当前的劳动力市场趋势保持同步,提供满足需求的培训 社区的劳动力需求,以及为个人提供适销对路的技能.

Inquiry Form




加入我们为期11个月的综合课程,为您提供必要的技能 for success in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Throughout the program, you'll benefit from:

  • Expert-led instruction
  • Practical projects
  • Personalized feedback
  • Career readiness
  • Networking opportunities

在课程结束时,您将在编程方面拥有坚实的基础 语言,实践经验,以及在当今快节奏中茁壮成长的信心 tech industry."

Cost:  $100/participant

Contact:  Madison Taylor at mataylor@coahomacc.ed

Diesel Mechanics Technology

开始一段学习保养和修理的基本技能的旅程 a
wide range of industrial diesel equipment. From agricultural tractors to commercial
needed to excel in this thriving industry.
Program Highlights:
•学会检查,修理和维护发动机,动力传动系统,液压系统, and other vital components.
•获得诊断和修理中型和重型设备发动机的专业知识; 悬挂和转向系统,制动系统和电气/电子系统.
•掌握对设备进行预防性维护和检查的技巧 and heavy-duty equipment.
顺利完成柴油机械技术短期技术课程后 证书,你将准备进入劳动力市场作为一个熟练的专业人士,充分 equipped to tackle the challenges of this dynamic field.


Contact:  Stanley Lang at slang@ahlfdc.com


本课程旨在为学生提供焊接和切割的入门技能. 目的是准备学生做一些基本的GMAW和SMAW焊接工作 industries and small businesses require. This class can also be useful to the small 有很多自己动手项目的农民或企业主. Different types of welding are emphasized. 本课程包括对含氧燃料切割的基本介绍, 焊接安全,电压调节和设定送丝速度以及很多 “hands-on” practice. 学生将学习讨论和应用适当的安全程序 焊接方面,实行GMAW和SMAW焊接操作的安全规程 as well as oxy-fuel cutting operations.

Locations and Times



CCC Workforce Development Center, Clarksdale

Mon-Wed 9 am - 12 noon or
Mon-Wed 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Quitman County Career Empowerment Center

Tues-Thurs 1 pm - 5 pm

Cleveland Vo-Tech

Thurs-Fri 4 pm - 8 pm

Tunica Vo-Tech

Mon-Wed 5 pm - 8 pm

Madison Palmer Vo-Tech
(Structural Pipefitting geared for Ingalls Shipbuilding)

Mon - Fri 4 pm - 8 pm


Cost:  $100/participant

Contact:  斯坦利·朗,工业培训协调员662-621-4302或 slang@ahlfdc.com


工业升降机操作课程旨在涵盖当前的安全培训 OSHA标准中关于动力工业卡车的要求.  The training 涵盖所有类型和分类的叉车安全规则和法规 lift trucks.  它侧重于操作程序,例如如何驾驶叉车 and operate the lift safely.

Location and Times:  This is a three-hour course.  Times and locations vary according to schedule.  Industries may request classes for employees. Classes offered in Clarksdale, Marks and Tunica.

Cost:  $50/participant

Contact:  Wylie Lavender, Advanced Workforce Trainer 662-621-4680 or wlavender@ahlfdc.com


这些面对面的,由讲师主导的课程是针对商业/行业的需要 以满足OSHA合规或个人需要的法规要求.  该课程使学生能够认识和照顾各种急救,呼吸, 以及涉及成人、儿童和婴儿的心脏紧急情况.

Location and Times:  This is a four-hour course.  Times and locations vary.

Cost: $40/person for up to 10 participants; $35/person over 10 participants

美国心脏协会认证卡需额外支付21美元/人 2 years)

Contact:  玛丽·萨格斯,项目协调员,662-621-4300或msuggs@ahlfdc.com

National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)

ACT WorkKeys国家职业准备证书(ACT WorkKeys NCRC®) assessment-based credential issued at four levels; Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. NCRC衡量和认证工作成功所需的基本工作技能 across industries and occupations.

Location and Times:  Location and times will vary according to testing schedule.

Cost:  $50/participant.  Possible funding sources available to those that qualify.

Must have a current identification card.

Pre-Employment Training

为了保持竞争力,公司必须知道你将是一名有价值的员工.  我们将共同努力,提高你作为一名员工的能力. We have designed 这个项目将与任何一家公司的核心合作,提高工作场所的绩效 values.

Location and Times:  Location and times will vary.

Cost:  This service is provided free of charge. 

Interview Etiquette Training

面试礼仪是给雇主留下良好第一印象的关键. 面试官会注意到一个潜在员工的具体特点,这将会 set the tone for the rest of your interview.  Whether the interview is in person or 远的说,你的礼仪会直接影响到你能否得到这份工作.  Let us help you develop the skills to land the job. 

Location and Times:  Location and times will vary.

Cost:  This service is provided free of charge. 


Emergency Medical Technician

Dates:  August-December and January-June

EMT计划为入门级紧急情况提供课堂和实验室指导 医疗技术人员遵循当前的国家DOT课程. Emergency Medical 技师基础是一个指导程序,准备个人的功能 in the pre-hospital environment. The EMT-Basic program provides instruction in basic life support care of sick and injured persons. This includes airway assessment, communications, 文献资料,普通药理学,出血控制,救护车手术,还有 splinting of adult, pediatric, and infant patients; and special care patients exposed to heat, cold, radiation, or contagious disease. 
CCC EMT Website


Dates:  Spring Semester; January-May

这是一个为期一个学期的证书课程,旨在培养入门级学生 drawing blood in hospitals and doctors' offices. Application must be completed by 11月20日申请下个春季学期的入学.

CCC Phlebotomy Website


Dates:  Fall Semester:  August-December

这是一个为期10周的证书课程,旨在培训入门级学生的表演能力 and evaluation of EKGs. Application must be completed by August 15 for admission to the class for the fall semester. 

CCC EKG Website

Nursing Assistant

Dates: 秋季学期:8 - 12月;春季学期:1 - 5月

该证书课程为期10周,旨在提供实践经验 在护理助理培训,以帮助参与者找到就业作为医疗保健 team under the direction of a healthcare professional. Students must submit a completed application by mid-August.

CCC Nursing Assistant Website